Solar PV Panels PV PANELS

Photovoltaic (PV) devices generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of material, called semiconductors. Electrons in these materials are freed by solar energy and can be induced to travel through an electrical circuit, powering electrical devices or sending electricity to the grid.

PV devices can be used to power anything from small electronics such as calculators and road signs up to homes and large commercial businesses.

Our Solar Panels



Solar Inverters INVERTERS

When the sun shines on the solar panels, DC electricity is generated. The DC electricity is fed into an inverter which changes the DC power output of the solar array to AC power compatible with the regional power grid regulations at the installation site. The system allows for any on-site loads to be powered by a combination of power generated by the PV system and power drawn from the mains power grid. Excess power generated by the PV system will be exported to the power grid.

The inverter deactivates at night and automatically starts operating in the morning when sunlight is sufficient. The inverter is the operations centre of your Solar Power System and as such, useful system information can be obtained from the inverter's display.

Our Solar Inverters



Solar Batteries BATTERIES

Solar batteries work by storing energy produced by your solar panels for later use. In some cases, solar batteries have their own inverter and offer integrated energy conversion. The higher your battery's capacity, the more solar energy it can store.

When you install a solar battery as part of your solar panel system, you are able to store excess solar electricity at your home instead of sending it back to the grid. If your solar panels are producing more electricity than you need, the excess energy goes towards charging the battery. Later, when your solar panels aren’t producing electricity, you can draw down the energy you stored earlier in your battery for night use. You’ll only send electricity back to the grid when your battery is fully charged, and you’ll only draw electricity from the grid when your battery is depleted.

Our Solar Batteries



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